Demolition Derby…
Walls are being removed today and the block and beam floor for the extension is almost complete.

To keep some of the costs down we decided to do some of the work ourselves…removing skirtings, architraves, floorboards, radiators, pipework. I don’t think our bodies liked it!

The fabulous warm weather at Easter didn’t continue….we should have known it. Now we have no heating!
The kitchen was ordered after weeks of going back and forth over the design, Richard from Brentwood kitchens was great… very impressed with his service and attention to detail.
More Autentico paint samples brought back to test in the light now that some of the walls have gone. It’s always best to paint samples on to a large piece of card or paper and stick them to the walls, look at it through the course of the day to see if it looks right in various lights.

I can’t remember having ever made so many cups of builders tea and coffee! Found the solution for this, set the workmen up with their own facilities!

Until next time…