Our House
After ten years the works have finally started, and our dream is becoming a reality. From the day we moved into our house we had plans to alter it to suite our lifestyle…the problem was that we didn’t have the money to do it! Surprisingly our ideas of what we wanted to do haven’t really changed over the ten years which says to me that it must be right for us. Early last year we consulted the architects to put our dream onto paper and apply for planning permission…it was passed! Next was the detailed drawings for the building regs.
This is not a little project… nearly every internal wall is coming out or being re-positioned, rooms are moving location and extensions are going on to the back and front…and no we’re not going to live in the mess!
But before we move out there are a few things that can be started. First things first trees to be removed, lopped and pruned…who would think that this has to be planned ahead as certain trees can only be done at certain times of the year. Decking to come up…all to be recycled. Packing up the house and putting into storage…. great time for a real clear out, why do we keep so much stuff, charity shops love me!
Last week was very exciting… the ground workers for the extension arrived to start the piling and ground beams… I’ve never made so many cups of tea!
It’s amazing how much there is to plan, electricians wanting to know what sort of lighting we want, kitchens and bathrooms to plan and my favourite designing colour schemes and putting together mood boards for each room…of course all colours are Autentico.
Till next time!